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Time-Saving Neurology EMR & Practice Management Software

The MedicsCloud Suite delivers clinical, financial, and patient engagement solutions to help boost your profitability and productivity.

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Transform Your Practice with Neurology Software

With the MedicsCloud Suite's specialized Neurology templates and intelligent review mechanism, we streamline documentation for accurate diagnosis and treatment of brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve disorders.

From comprehensive history to cutting-edge procedures, we deliver top-notch care with efficiency and precision.

Revolutionizing Patient Care​ with Neurology EMR Software

Adopting an evidence-based approach, MedicsCloud Neurology EMR enables continuous refinement of patient care, which helps reduce medical errors and improve care quality.

  • Documentation Templates: Comprehensive templates designed for neurology with detailed sections for documenting information related to mental status, vision, speech, strength, sensation, coordination, reflexes, and gait.
  • Image and File Attachments: Allows you to attach essential images, EEG results, imaging reports, and related files directly to the patient's record. This streamlines diagnostic accuracy and eliminates the need for physical files or separate storage systems.
  • Subspecialty Configurations: Specifically designed for multiple sclerosis, including built-in support for PT, OT, and extensive therapy with long-term infusions streamlines patient management, improves care, and saves time.
  • Coding and Billing Support: Superbills (ICD, CPT, Labs, and Radiology) specifically for neurological procedures and diagnoses. Promotes relevant codes ensuring accurate billing and reimbursements.

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Streamline the Documentation Process

MedicsCloud Neurology EMR's intelligent review mechanism makes documentation easy with its ability to quickly pull previous encounters and personalize wording with a single click.




Easy-to-Use Procedures

Streamline procedures with our EMR specifically designed for Neurology practices. Our Neurology specialty offers a comprehensive package tailored to your unique requirements, including CC ROS Physical and diagnosis sections that are user-friendly and intuitive. Check out our sample list of procedures (screenshot) and see how our EMR can improve productivity and efficiency while enhancing patient care.


Maximize Revenue with Practice Management

Our practice management software or ADSRCM services ensures a nearly 100% success rate on first-attempt HCFA, UB, workers’ compensation, or no-fault clearinghouse claims. Our tools for capturing patient balances includes a rules engine-driven Patient Responsibility Estimator and out-of-network alerts, both in advance of appointments.

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Patient Engagement and Mobility

Keeping your patients, practice, and you engaged and connected with features and options that include:

  • Virtual encounters with our own Medics Telemedicine App
  • Remote patient monitoring (RPM) of vitals with equipment at no-cost
  • Medics Patient Portal empowers patients to self-serve making your practice available 24x7
  • Interactive appointment reminders and balance-due texting
  • Patients pay online through their texts or the Medics Portal

Derive significant revenue through telemedicine encounters and RPM; our team is expert in billing for both!

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CMS Initiative Compliance

Easily comply with these complicated requirements:

  • Cures Act with connectivity between you, your patients, inpatient facilities, HIEs, and emergency rooms
  • No-Surprises Act with out-of-network alerts on scheduling appointments or any time in advance
  • Clinical Decision Support: The MedicsCloud EHR is enabled now with a qualified clinical decision support mechanism for imaging orders for Medicare patients

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Value-Based Care

MIPS is still very much in play with Medicare reimbursement penalties of up to 9% for lack of reporting. Our platforms cull the required data without system operators having to perform extra steps. And, our team of MIPS experts is available to assist when needed.

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Better Outcomes Through Analytics

You’ll need reliable metrics to measure financial, operational, and clinical success. So, go ahead and generate comprehensive reports for your Neurology practice! You’ll view KPIs in a variety of displays including dashboards with reports being exportable to Excel.



"It was love at first sight. We saw immediately that it was excellent for neurology and how it would help eliminate paper, reduce files, improve workflow and revolutionize our approach to handling our patients’ clinical information."

Susan Kirsch, Practice Administrator

Neurology, PA

Are You Ready To Transform Your Neurology Practice?

Simply fill out the form to speak with a member of our team.