Getting Your Ever-Increasing Patient Due Amounts

Patients are said to be the third largest payer group in the US after Medicare and Medicaid.
You no doubt see that yourself, especially as patients have become much more financially responsible for their healthcare costs after insurance reimburses.
Our AI-driven MedicsPremier financial platform helps ensure patient payments:
- get out-of-network (OON) alerts and perform eligibility verifications, both as part of scheduling appointments
- know immediately if there are OON or eligibility issues
- perform additional unlimited checks prior to appointments
- access the Patient Responsibility Estimator as part of scheduling appointments
- get close approximations of what patients will owe based on visit reasons
- give patients better approximations as they leave after procedures have been performed
- display copayments as part of scheduling
- Prior Authorizations are easily obtained electronically with our PA option
balance-due reminder texts with online payments as balances become their responsibility
- track texts to see if opened and if so, if still unpaid
- statements can also be emailed and tracked
- automated paper statements when texts/emails are undeliverable
- MedicsPortal supports online payments directly to you as well
- our Insurance Discovery option is ideal when coverage is fully or partially missing
MedicsPremier supports powerful - often proactive - tools to ensure patients pay.
Contact us for more about our payment and financial solutions which include proactive denial management and a nearly 100% success rate on first attempt HCFA, UB, WC, and NF claims!