Healthcare Blog
The latest in all things RCM, Electronic Health Records, Radiology Information Systems, Practice Management, Medical Billing, Value-Based Care, & Healthcare IT.
Electronic Health Records | Industry News
Advanced Data Systems Corporation
May 22nd, 2015
The following excerpt is from an article found on Health IT Outcomes. It was written by Katie Wike. According to a survey conducted by HIMSS in honor of Nurses Week, the majority of nurses wouldn’t go back to the way records were before EHR implementation. Nurses agree, EHRs improve patient safety and most couldn’t do their job without them. HIMSS conducted a survey of more than 600 nurses in honor of National Nurses Week.
Electronic Health Records | Industry News
Advanced Data Systems Corporation
May 6th, 2015
The following excerpt is from an article found on Healthcare Global. It was written by Joyce Morse. Hospitals and clinics are always striving to find new ways to accomplish the same goal—providing excellent patient care. One of the ways that is happening is through cloud-based electronic health record (EHR) systems. Electronic health records make it easier to access patient data and communicate with other members of the team. Using a cloud system has even greater benefits for the medical facility.
Learn why patient engagement is a necessity and how you can master it within your practice.
Industry News | Healthcare Advice
Advanced Data Systems Corporation
May 4th, 2015
The following is an excerpt from EHR Intelligence. It was written by Vera Gruessner. There are a variety of issues healthcare professionals, providers, and payers are concerned about regarding the ICD-10 transition deadline. Last week, we discussed and dispelled some common myths that stakeholders have about the ICD-10 transition deadline. This week we will go over an additional five facts that address some typical questions and concerns about ICD-10 implementation.
Industry News | Healthcare Advice
Advanced Data Systems Corporation
May 1st, 2015
The follow excerpt is from an article on iHealthBeat. The increased adoption of electronic health records and other health IT has improved patient safety, according to an issue brief by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, Health IT Analytics reports. The issue brief -- which is the first of four that ONC plans to publish by September 2015 -- examined four systematic literature reviews and various studies that show how health IT has influenced factors that affect patient safety.
Industry News | Healthcare Advice
Advanced Data Systems Corporation
April 4th, 2015
The following excerpt is from an article found on MedScape. It was written by Betsy Nicoletti. The US healthcare community is moving to ICD-10 in October 2015. There will be 70,000 choices of diagnosis codes alone, instead of a mere 16,000 choices currently available to describe a condition, illness, injury, or symptom. Coders are delighted. Physicians, not so much. But despite the notice and preparation, there are things that could go amiss.
Industry News | Healthcare Advice
Advanced Data Systems Corporation
April 1st, 2015
The following excerpt is from an article found on The Business Journals. It was written by Mike Sabitov. The latest data breach of Premera Blue Cross, exposing the medical data and financial information of 11 million customers, offers the industry a solemn reminder that it simply isn’t doing enough to protect patient data from known security threats. If a business has any contact with electronic health records or medical information, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance and patient data security should be a prime concern. That’s because government regulations mandated by HIPAA states that the all protected health information must be strictly protected — and any breach of such information must be reported immediately.
Industry News | Value-Based Care
Advanced Data Systems Corporation
March 25th, 2015
The following excerpt is from an article found on Medcity News. It was written by David Harlow. The Meaningful Use - Stage 3 proposed rule has been released, with official publication due on March 30. Likewise, the 2015 edition of EHR certification criteria and related rules. Check out the CMS presser and ONC fact sheet. Key to these rules, which lay the foundation for a post-Meaningful Use incentive-driven Health IT ecosystem, is the use of APIs - for the uninitiated, "application programming interfaces" - or simplified connectors that allow for easier transfer of data. The Meaningful Use requirements have themselves been simplified -- whittled down to eight high-level requirements, expressed as program goals or objectives:
Industry News | Healthcare Advice
Advanced Data Systems Corporation
March 11th, 2015
The following excerpt is from an article found on Health IT Outcomes. It was written by Christine Kern. While 82% of providers polled express optimism about October’s transition, only 21% believe they are on track for it. A Navicure survey has discovered a curious disconnect regarding ICD-10 preparedness. While 82 percent of respondents reported being optimistic about their readiness for the transition scheduled for October 1, 2015, only 21 percent believe their practices are currently on track to actually meet the deadline.
Industry News | Healthcare Advice
Advanced Data Systems Corporation
March 2nd, 2015
The following excerpt is from an article on EHR Intelligence. It was written by Vera Gruessner. Marilyn Tavenner, Administrator at the Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services (CMS), announced today that the organization recently finished the first week of end-to-end testing for ICD-10 coding.
Medical Billing / RCM | Industry News
Advanced Data Systems Corporation
February 27th, 2015
The following is an excerpt from our whitepaper, Multiple Tax IDs: Get More Revenue With Fewer Clicks. One of the major challenges faced by medical practices is in managing the flood of information on all their patients in such a way that employees can work as efficiently as possible while maintaining the highest levels of security.