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Healthcare Blog

The latest in all things RCM, Electronic Health Records, Radiology Information Systems, Practice Management, Medical Billing, Value-Based Care, & Healthcare IT.

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Industry News

The following is an excerpt from our ebook, "Medical Billing Software & ICD-10: Everything You Need to Know." Get the entire ebook for FREE by clicking here or clicking the image at the bottom of this post.

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Healthcare Advice

By: Stephen O'Connor
March 17th, 2014

In healthcare, change is constant. New methods for diagnosing and assessing medical problems are constantly being developed and improved upon, as are new techniques and treatments to help patients. Healthcare software is very much in the “change” mix as well, a current example of which is CMS’ announcing of the switch to ICD-10 by October 1, 2015.


The Importance of Patient Engagement: Why They - And You - Need It

Learn why patient engagement is a necessity and how you can master it within your practice.

Blog Feature

Value-Based Care

By: Christina Rosario
March 7th, 2014

From taking an extra moment to engage in small talk with a patient to offering children a lollipop after getting a vaccination, medical practices are always coming up with ways to improve the relationship between doctors and patients. With the advent of highly affordable computer systems and widespread adoption of high-speed Internet capability within most people’s reach, the potential to improve doctor-patient relationships is made easier with patient portals.

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Practice Management | Value-Based Care

By: Stephen O'Connor
March 5th, 2014

It’s not always clear how new software will help an organization in any industry, especially if you are entering into unknown territory. Such is the case with medical organizations and Practice Management Software. It’s prudent to work with a software company that has the experience and knowledge to develop and regularly upgrade its medical applications.

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records

By: Stephen O'Connor
March 3rd, 2014

Like many managers or owners of a thriving medical practice, you have heard about the benefits of using electronic health records software and are interested in implementing an EHR in your organization. You can assume that many, if not all, of your nearby competitors are using EHR, and the more effective they are in using this software, the better they will be able to attract and keep patients.

Blog Feature

Radiology Information System

By: Stephen O'Connor
February 28th, 2014

Is your medical practice still relying on a paper-based system to process and maintain patient records? An increasingly growing number of medical organizations are coming to realize the benefits of switching to an electronic system, particularly because of the greater efficiencies and cost savings. If this is the case for your organization, you may have been considering switching over to a Radiological Information System, also referred to as RIS. To help make the case for transitioning to RIS, it’s a good idea to learn how using RIS software can save your practice money.

Blog Feature

Value-Based Care

By: Stephen O'Connor
February 19th, 2014

What is a patient portal? Like the name suggests, a patient portal can serve as a door to your medical practice. Unlike the doors of your brick and mortar office space, however, the portal is designed to always be open, giving patients access to a variety of helpful information and services. The more medical organizations can empower their patients, such as by giving them easier access to the vital information they desire, the more they will feel engaged with the practice. This can go a long way when it comes to patient satisfaction and retention, and can also lead to new business as patients refer their friends and family to you because they are pleased with the many benefits of using the patient portal you’ve set up.

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records

By: Stephen O'Connor
February 17th, 2014

Medical organizations typically record and store a great deal of confidential information about their patients, and it’s of paramount importance that they take all necessary precautions to safeguard this data. The consequences of unauthorized people gaining access to private medical data can be disastrous. Patients could run into trouble with criminals stealing their identity, draining their bank accounts, and having their most private medical information exposed to people who have no business seeing it.

Blog Feature

Healthcare Advice

By: Stephen O'Connor
February 14th, 2014

Medical organizations using electronic health record or EHR software need to get ready for the upcoming switch to the latest International Classification of Disease code set. ICD-9, the previous version of the code, dates back to more than a decade ago and is being phased out around the world. The United States government is requiring all users to begin implementing ICD-10 by October 1, 2015.

Blog Feature

Healthcare Advice

By: Stephen O'Connor
February 12th, 2014

It’s not uncommon for people to learn how to use a system to the point of proficiency. Then, they resume going about their daily work routines without giving much of a thought to how they will need to change their behavior when the system is improved and upgraded. Medical organizations from across the country will need to take this fact about human nature into account when they consider their use of Electronic Health Record or EHR software in the face of the impending switch from ICD-9 to ICD-10. Transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 With the advent of computerization in the medical industry, standards were needed to encourage more precise communication among health care providers, insurance entities, the government, and researchers. The World Health Organization developed and maintains the International Classification of Diseases or ICD code. It is updated once every decade, and the latest code is already gaining ground across the globe. The United States government has extended the deadline for medical organizations to transition to ICD-10 by October 1, 2015. If your organization hasn’t yet begun making preparations for the big change, it’s not too late. It’s important to go with a software company that has a good reputation and a proven track record of excellent customer service to make sure your team will make a smooth transition to ICD-10.