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Healthcare Blog

The latest in all things RCM, Electronic Health Records, Radiology Information Systems, Practice Management, Medical Billing, Value-Based Care, & Healthcare IT.

Blog Feature

Industry News | Value-Based Care

By: Advanced Data Systems Corporation
December 14th, 2016

The following excerpt is from an article written by Vera Gruessner. It originally appeared on HealthPayer Intelligence. Regardless of which political party is in Congress, the healthcare industry is steadily moving forward with value-based care reimbursement.

Blog Feature

Value-Based Care

By: Christina Rosario
December 7th, 2016

We all have our own roles to play as we do our part to promote health in society. From the patient perspective, special attention to preventative care, nutrition, exercise, and getting vaccinations when recommended by a physician are examples of what ordinary people can do to cut down on the costs of healthcare in this country. From the perspective of medical practices, getting ready for MACRA and MIPS is an essential aspect of streamlining healthcare services and being more efficient in how we diagnose and treat each patient.


The Importance of Patient Engagement: Why They - And You - Need It

Learn why patient engagement is a necessity and how you can master it within your practice.

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records

By: Stephen O'Connor
November 29th, 2016

Electronic prescribing -- sending digital medication orders to pharmacies via electronic health record (EHR) software -- promises myriad benefits for physicians and patient-consumers. Whether implemented as a stand-alone module or as part of a fully-integrated EHR system, e-prescribing can help ambulatory-care centers and physician practices improve their finances and internal efficiency.

Blog Feature

Medical Billing / RCM

By: Stephen O'Connor
November 21st, 2016

Have you considered hiring a medical billing company, but aren't sure that is the right step for your practice? Maybe your organization is having trouble reworking denials or you have a higher than expected percentage of claims sent back due to incorrect coding or patient data. Every practice has different pain points, but almost every medical enterprise could use some help improving their reimbursement rates and lowering the charge off ratio. Hiring a medical billing company can help you achieve those goals.

Blog Feature

Industry News | Value-Based Care

The following is an excerpt from an article originally published on Medscape. It was written by Leigh Page. Getting to Know MACRA The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) is a multifaceted law that's going to change the way you practice for years to come.

Blog Feature

Value-Based Care

By: Christina Rosario
October 28th, 2016

Inefficiencies in the way we provide medical services to patients in the United States have led to increasing costs while not necessarily leading to equivalent improvements in the outcomes of each sick and injured person being treated. Doctors and other medical professionals with an overriding goal to help others above all else may be dismayed when they consider how much emphasis is placed on finances rather than the healing arts.

Blog Feature

Industry News

The following excerpt is from an article written by Bill Kleyman. It originally appeared on Health IT Security. From data center security to healthcare cloud security, organizations need to consider numerous aspects when managing healthcare security orchestration.

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records

By: Stephen O'Connor
October 24th, 2016

Standalone software is often suitable for smaller practices that are just starting out and do not have a large patient population or multiple specialties. Your IT team installs the electronic health record application on your own servers and you take care of upgrades on your own whenever the software provider issues an update (such as a module for selecting the proper ICD-10 code or to address new regulations).

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records

By: Stephen O'Connor
October 20th, 2016

What many people envisioned as simply a tool to collect and share comprehensive health records has evolved over the past couple of decades into a multi-faceted, data-driven workhorse that can improve workflow, generate new revenue streams and improve patient outcomes significantly. To get the most from your electronic health record (EHR) you need to understand the power of the software beyond surface. Let's look at how the technology empowers medical providers to take control of their workflow in the practice, clinic or hospital setting.

Blog Feature

Value-Based Care

By: Christina Rosario
October 18th, 2016

Your medical organization routinely sees a large number of patients who are covered by Medicare or Medicaid. This may be attributed mostly to your location, such as near retirement facilities, senior care organizations and other entities charged with serving the elderly and other eligible patients. Or, the nature of your practice attracts more people who rely on government-funded medical coverage. Regardless of the reasons why you are treating more people under Medicare and Medicaid, you are also concerned that you are getting the appropriate financial incentives from the government. Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the government began offering Medicare and Medicaid incentives to medical professionals in exchange for them attesting to Meaningful Use.