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Healthcare Blog

The latest in all things RCM, Electronic Health Records, Radiology Information Systems, Practice Management, Medical Billing, Value-Based Care, & Healthcare IT.

Blog Feature

Value-Based Care

By: Christina Rosario
October 17th, 2018

During the course of your normal duties at the office diagnosing and taking care of patients, you know that as a physician, you need to be aware of paperwork requirements regarding the treatment of those patients who happen to be covered by Medicare. The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 and Merit-Based Incentives must be adhered to in order for your medical organization to receive proper compensation from the government.

Blog Feature

Medical Billing / RCM

By: Christina Rosario
October 11th, 2018

In medicine, as is the case with any professional endeavor, you need to have the right tool for the job in order to get the best results. When it comes to the flow of revenue in your organization, if you’re not using the right tool for billing, chances are you are actually hampering your bottom line. Practices that try to get by just using some kind of generic billing software suitable for any type of business are doing themselves a disservice.


The Importance of Patient Engagement: Why They - And You - Need It

Learn why patient engagement is a necessity and how you can master it within your practice.

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records

By: Marc Klar
October 3rd, 2018

The following article first appeared on Medical Laboratory Observer (MLO) on September 25th, 2018. It was written by Advanced Data System's Vice President, Marc Klar. Like virtually every other entity in healthcare today, laboratories need to stay engaged and connected with the two groups of people most important to them: their referring physicians or sources (such as hospitals or companies that require employee testing), and the laboratory’s patients.

Blog Feature

Practice Management | Electronic Health Records | Value-Based Care

By: Christina Rosario
September 27th, 2018

Knowledge is power, the saying goes, and access to more information about the quality of care that we provide to patients will help improve the way we deliver healthcare in this country. To that end, the U.S. government established the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or CMS. The PQRS was designed to help eligible providers provide a higher standard of care to each patient they treat, as well as to quantify their ability to meet various quality metrics.

Blog Feature

Practice Management | Electronic Health Records | Value-Based Care

By: Christina Rosario
September 19th, 2018

What Is EHR Software? You’ve either recently installed Electronic Health Record software at your thriving practice, or you are about to deploy an EHR for the first time. While you may be familiar with the basics of how EHR applications function, there may some features that you are unaware of or are not currently taking advantage of.

Blog Feature

Practice Management

By: Christina Rosario
September 6th, 2018

While you are primarily in the healthcare business, part of your work as a medical office manager also has to do with “customer service” (even though in this case, of course, the customers are referred to as “patients"). And savvy business people are aware that one of the keys to success in any operation is maintaining if not boosting engagement with the people being served.

Blog Feature

Medical Billing / RCM | Practice Management | Electronic Health Records

By: Christina Rosario
August 27th, 2018

Whether you have been a medical office manager for some time now or are somewhat new on the job, there is always more for you to learn about software and technology to help everything run more smoothly.

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records

By: Christina Rosario
August 20th, 2018

You’ve recently come to realize the importance of installing electronic health record software in your medical practice, with advantages ranging from helping your staff work more efficiently to enabling you to share information about patients more readily with consulting physicians.

Blog Feature

Industry News

By: Marc Klar
August 17th, 2018

As a busy healthcare professional, it’s likely that you often find it too difficult to carve some time out of your schedule to keep up with industry news and events. Indeed, with technological advances and new research always coming down the pike, it’s increasingly important to stay on top of developments.

Blog Feature

Medical Billing / RCM

By: Stephen O'Connor
June 18th, 2018

A great deal of financial work goes on behind the scenes at any thriving medical practice. That’s a given, since you cannot keep the doors open and the lights on if you neglect seeing to the timely delivery of payment for each patient you take care of. With that in mind, professionals who are in search of solutions to save their medical organization time and money find themselves turning to revenue cycle management software.