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Pediatrics EMR / EHR and Practice Management

It’s not enough for the software to be great…the vendor must also understand the highly specialized requirements demanded by Pediatrics practices.

Pediatrics EMR / EHR Software

MedicsCloud-EHR-Telehealth-screenProducing Revenue and Efficiency for your Pediatrics Practice!

Pediatrics EHR Features

Visit Types
The templates for office visits are divided into Initial, Well Baby, and Sick Baby visits. Each custom template allows the pediatrician to focus on the relevant information.

Family History
The child’s family history is recorded in detail, including past and current medical problems, current medications, and allergies. A special emphasis is placed on the mother’s medical history.

History Chart
History charts contain demographic information, family history, birth and development information, feeding history, immunization records, and skin tests. Using the History charts, pediatricians can mark or write on charts as they do in conventional examinations. These charts, however, are stored electronically.

The Immunization section provides a clear and complete record of all of the child’s immunizations beginning from birth. Immunization reports can be generated easily.

Growth Chart Images
This section contains a collection of various growth chart images that were developed by the National Center for Health Statistics. The Pediatrician can mark the relevant chart and attach it to the patient’s encounter for future reference.

Lab and e-Rx
Lab test requests can be submitted directly from the patient’s record with the system retaining the request’s details.  Once the test(s) is completed, results can be downloaded by the lab directly back into the patient’s record via an interface with the lab, with the system issuing an alert that the result(s) have been received. 

MedicsRx™ is a comprehensive medications management capability supporting features such as alerts for allergies, interactions, and formularies. MedicsRx retains the patient’s medication and prescription history, dosages, and refills.  Prescriptions are easily transmitted electronically to patients’ pharmacies eliminating the need for handwritten prescriptions and the problems typically associated with them.

Medics FlowText™
A function that has been a persistent nuisance with EHRs - getting text for reports and letters smartly into the appropriate fields within the EHR - is solved by Medics FlowText as a built-in capability within the Medics EHR.




The MedicsCloud EHR is ONC certified helping to ensure providers can obtain incentives.

MedicsCloud EHR Certification and Costs

Pediatrics Practice Management Software

Ensuring Every Dollar for Every Visit!

  • Comprehensive EDI with a nearly 99% success rate on 1st attempt Pediatrics clearinghouse claims
  • Easy-to-use, built in Medics ICD-10 Pediatrics code converter
  • Medics Claim Denial Manager built-in
  • Real-time claim tracking for actual views on expected reimbursements
  • Know what they Owe™ Patient Responsibility Estimator built-in
  • Pediatrics scheduler is a powerful management / financial tool protecting revenue in advance
  • Solid management and financial Pediatrics practice analytics / reports / dashboards
  • WindowOne™ architecture for reduced keystrokes and quick data visuals

Pediatric-Specific Features and Functionality

  • Guarantor management and payments, including multiple guarantors per patient
  • Connects siblings with same or different surnames
  • Single operation when updating demographics for same-family patients
  • Reports on all patients, individual patients, or sibling-connected patients
  • Pediatrics scheduler is a powerful management / financial tool protecting revenue in advance
  • Schedule siblings on same or different days, for same or different providers, and for same or different reasons
  • Interactive appointment reminder texts to guarantors’ or guardians’ cell phones
  • Solid management and financial Pediatrics practice analytics / reports / dashboards

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RCM Services for Pediatrics: MedicsRCM

Comprehensive, Outsourced Medical Billing and Revenue Cycle Management

  • Ideal for Pediatric practices that prefer to outsource their RCM needs
  • MedicsRCM uses the Medics PM and Medics EHR, or clients can use their own EHRs interfaced to MedicsRCM
  • Clients have transparent, unfettered access to the systems, to the extent they want!

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“The medical field is changing so rapidly that just keeping up with it is a challenge for any healthcare software system. But for the past ten years, ADS has succeeded in keeping us ahead of the curve and has brought us a range of important new pediatric features, significantly benefitting our practice. We would not hesitate to recommend ADS and their Medics Suite to pediatrics practices of any size.”


Donald Scott Featherman, MD
Comprehensive Childcare Associates (CCA)